Monday, 19 April 2010

There are just a few photos from recent events i've been at/ done, quite a point-less post I know but I just like to share photos, I love looking at other peoples photos from partys or whatever ..

My friends and I at a party I had at my parents house

My friend and I at my boyfriends at just the weekend past :)

My boyfriend & I at my aunts bbq two weeks back now.. also my little cousin Evie & for the record she was pulling at my mouth! Such an evil baby but soo cute :)



  1. Oooh I love your top in the second picture! he he he Babies always go for the mouth or up the nose! never a flattering time to get your piccy taken :p You look lovely in them though missy! xx

  2. Aw thank you, I got it from topshop not that long ago i'm sure they'll still have them!
